We’ve all had one of those days when our mood is low and for some reason we feel anxious, irritated, sad, and/or tired.
Studies show that a deficit of oxygen-flow to the brain can affect a person’s mood negatively. Luckily, yoga poses do exactly this: increase blood circulation to the brain and enable the production of the mood-elevating hormones, such as endorphins.
If you are feeling “low” and need a boost, try these five yoga poses:

Uttanasana, or standing forward fold, relieves tension in your back, shoulders, and neck, and calms your nervous system, consequently reducing anxiety levels and stabilizing your mood.

Utkatasana, or chair pose, helps build focus, develops willpower and determination, stimulates the mind, and help reduce stress levels. Notice the quality of your breath as you hold this pose for several breaths, and try to deepen your inhales and exhales as much as possible.

Halasana, or plow pose, is one of the best calming poses for your nervous system, as it helps calm your brain and reduce your stress levels. It also relieves irritability and reduces headche and insomnia.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, or upward facing dog, is great for fatigue and mild depression. With its overall rejuvenating effect on your body, it helps reduce stress levels and will help you feel refreshed.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, or downward facing dog, allows oxygen-rich blood to flow into your body. Stretching the neck and cervical spine, this pose releases the tension in these areas, reducing anxiety and calming your whole body.